Doindogs Kennel News |
EVANGELINE KENNEL CLUB'S SHOW 26&27 JuneMud will be in Obedience at about 9AM Saturday and 2:30PM Sudnay. Rose is in Conformation, approx 1PM Saturday and 9:30 Sunday. Labs have the largest entry of 18 Saturday and 16 Sunday! Vet Visit TomorrowBoth Ada's and Yew's litters will go to the Vet tomorrow morning 9AM for microchip, first needle and exam. All new owners, and anyone else, are invited. LUNENBURG OBEDIENCEThe three Doindogs labs qualified today at the South Shore Club Obedience Trial. Doindogs Raisin with Jonathan OXNER at her side and for his first time. Doindogs Jersey where Karen COOLING had her maiden voyage into the Novice Ring, earning HIC (Highest In Class). Doindogs Mud had me as the driver and qualified for her second time in Novice B. SAMANTHA IS VISITINGPicked up Samantha in New Brunswick. She will be staying with us for a few days while she and Jet try to make some puppies. Sam is a very nice black female from Saint John! ROO'S LITTERRoo had her 9th pup at 11AM today, 7 hours ago, it looks as though that is all. Dr. ROTERMUND arrived from Germany just in time this morning. He will accompany us to the Vet tomorrow morning then return to Germany but come back during the summer and take his new pup home with him. ROO'S FIRST PUPRoo had her first pup at 5;35AM today, a yellow male! COLE IS ALL O.K.!Empty MUDLearned this evening that Mud not only tied for the Highest Score in her class but also tied for the highest score in the whole trial. She is the youngest of my dogs to have earned High In Trial. Mud has a very bright future, she is very birdy, easy to train, loves the water and retrieving. SLUG BAITWe nearly lost Cole to "Slug Bait" over the week end. Cole ate Slug Bait on Saturday and would have died except for his alert owner Steve RYAN and the Metro Emergency Clinic. He will be checked by Dr. RUSHTON tomorrow morning to see if any permanent damage has been caused. Steve found a warning on the bag that dogs are attracted to the bait - BE AWARE EVERYONE! RAISIN QUALIFIED AGAIN TODAYRaisin qualified and got HIC again today. She plans to take the summer off obedience but concentrate on field training, she loves it!
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