Doindogs Kennel News |
YEW'S LITTERYew started having her pups today, 28 December, at 9:45AM. She has had 6 females and 5 males!
ADA'S LITTERAda's litter will be going to Dr. RUSHTON, Westwood Hills Vet Hospital at 9AM, Wednesday 29 December for Microchip, Needle and Medical Exam. All interested people are invited to attend, tour the clinic, meet the staff and have questions answered. These pups will be ready to go to their new owners from the clinic. NEW ROO PICSPaul has just posted some new pictures of Roo. These pics were taken by Dave of Dreamwaters Photography, I think they were great, more to come! MUD'S CHOCOLATE LITTERJust returned from USA where I had Mud bred by a very nice young chocolate male, "Pinehaven's Kenworth" (Kenny). This mating should produce chocolate pups around 10 Feb 05 OBEDIENCE CLASSESTwo levels of obedience training start four weeks from tonight which will be Sunday, Jan 2 at 7PM. The training will be toward the CKC titles of "CD" (Companion Dog) or "CDX" (Companion Dog Excellent). VET'S OPEN HOUSEThe Westwood Animal Hospital will be hosting an Open House/Customer Appreciation from 1PM to 3PM this Saturday, 4 December. This is an opportunity to meet their new vet, Dr. Troy MacPHERSON and other staff, tour the clinic and see the new equipment. Dr. Don RUSHTON has asked me to demonstrate obedience with Ada. Please call the clinic at 826-1933 for more information or questions. BREEDING MUDMud is not quite ready for breeding, will take her back to the vet tomorrow and will leave for USA as soon as she "is ripe"> 2005 RULE BOOKSCalled CKC today and learned that the new Rule Books for both Hunt Tests and Working Certificates are available. I have ordered them both and will update the site ASAP DON'T TRY!Dr. RUSHTON came to out obedience class last evening and left us with lots of very useful info, including. Grapes and Raisins (which are dried grapes) are poisenous to dogs. As little as one grape could cause death. Grapes and Raisins cause kidney failure. This news is especially important to Lab owners who often allow their dogs to eat various types of fruit and vetetables. BUFFALOED!Dale STEWART, who bought "Jersey", one of Ada's first pups has finished his RCMP training and posted to Fort Smith, North West Territories. Dale calls quite often to report on his training and new experiences. He has been most anxious to hunt buffalo and just as anxious to call the other day to say that he shot a huge buffalo. I then called his fiancee, Karyn COOLING who still lives here in Dartmouth, and offere to sell their "Buffalo Wings" on commission. Karyn asked Dale but he didn't think that was a very good idea:-)
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